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Towards The Fellowship

We believe in the biblical principle of tithing, which means tenth, where we give the first tenth of our earnings into God’s house.

If you are lead to sow into God’s kingdom through the Fellowship in the form of a tithe, offering or a donation you can do so here. You can do this in a number of ways – in cash or by cheque in any of our services or by EFT or SnapScan. If you choose to make a payment via EFT, please include the word “tithe”, “offering” or “donation” in your reference.

We honour God as our provider and the owner of all things and we trust Him for wisdom and guidance in stewarding that which He entrusts us with.


Banking details:

  • ABSA Bank
  • Melkbos Baptist
  • Branch code: 632 005
  • Account number: 405 038 2957


You can use your SnapScan app to make giving easier. All you need to do is snap this code below via your SnapScan app or click here to take you there directly. If you don’t have SnapScan, you can download it here via the Google Play Store or from the Apple App Store

Snapscan Crop
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